"i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)" E.E. Cummings

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Salem, OR Adventures

Just got back from our Oregon adventure (My parents live in Salem, OR....5 hours to far away from us!!) this is a trip we use to make so often that we knew the I-5 corridor inside and out but now with a Little one in tow its much more difficult to make the trek.  Anyways, this weekend my amazing little sister graduated from high school, I have such mixed feelings about this, part of me swears she did this already and the other part of me desperately needs time to stop dead in its tracks and keep all the Littles in my life Little forever!!  The graduation ceremony was great and being there to see her walk the stage was a priceless memory that I will cherish forever!!  My Little on the other hand could care less about the happenings and wanted to run the halls and talk to all the police men so we spent most of the evening chasing a barefoot Little girl around the Oregon State Fairgrounds Auditorium.  Another highlight was FINALLY getting the chance to meet my sisters boyfriend who is seriously the nicest guy ever!! Not sure what their futures hold but good luck to both of them in their college adventures!
Congratulations Class of 2013!!

I was also pleasantly surprised to find out that there is a children's discovery village and carousel close by so of course we had to go ride the horses!  The village will be another trip as we were in full no-nap, hungry melt down by the time we left ;) 
Carousel Rides with Grama! 
This was sometime in the middle when she was not sure if she wanted to stay on or get off those crazy horses! Lol
It's no secret that Little approaches life VERY serious, beautifully carved colorful horses are no exception! 

Another great trip for the memory books, till next time Salem!!

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