"i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)" E.E. Cummings

Monday, May 27, 2013

And here is the rest of us...

Time to meet the family!  Da & I meet several years ago when he was running a local coffee stand, we started hanging out before we knew it we were inseparable.  We have has so many great adventures together and have gotten each other through some really tough times.  In 2009 we purchased our first house together and about a year into home ownership we decided to start trying for a family, and no, you didn't miss anything, we are NOT married an in all honesty...we wouldn't have it any other way!  Things are great just the way they and we don't see the point in changing something that works so well. 

St. Patty's Day 2010
Sounders 2011
We found out we were pregnant again and we didn't want to believe it! I waited 10 full, extremely long, weeks before heading to the doctors for the confirmation ultrasound.  It was there that we got the first little glimpse of what would be our next amazing adventure.  
Our first glimpse, 10 weeks
38 weeks! It's a GIRL, we knew but did not tell anyone else!!
The 3D ultrasounds are pretty amazing!
As you can see Little came out looking almost exactly like her 21 week ultra sound picture!
 Little is now 17 months and I often wonder where in the heck the time has gone!  We have had so much fun learning and watching her grow that it has literally flow by!  She is by far the BEST thing that has ever happened to us and our little family is know complete!
That grin makes my heart melt!
Diva in the making!
And...The 3 of us! 

Washington Adventures, Part 1!

One of our goals lately has been to fully enjoy this amazing state that we live in. Stop #1 on our Washington adventure, NW Trek! This place is AMAZING and of course in true Washington style it poured down rain the entire day but.....Washington with out rain really isn't Washington now is it?!?

Golden Eagles, Bald Eagles, Grey Wolves & Mountain Goats
Mountain Goats, Elk & Bison

Pretty amazing how close you get to these beautiful animals! Still in awe at how cool this place is, definitely making another trip and hopefully it won't be raining..haha

Friday, May 24, 2013

Lets meet the fur family...

Introducing...Moose, Bubba & Radar!
AKA:  Grumpy Old Man, Mushu Chicken Nuggets, Turkey & Cheese or Mushu Von-Fuuuursenbergen
Let's just say it's a good thing he's so dang cute cause he's not the smartest dog there ever was.  
Sadly, not on the favorites list right now.  He'd better shape up or he might find himself shipping out :( 
Our house would not be the same without these snorting, snoring, stinking face beauties..we love them so much! 

Hello blog world, I am ready!

My name is Trish but you will come to know me best as Little's Mum!  I am a working mom, a girlfriend, a girl with what seems to be a unheard voice, and a hobbyist (there are so many fun things I dabble in the list would be longer than my to-do list).  More than anything I really just want the opportunity to get the words and ideas out that float around my head on a daily basis regardless if anyone is listening or not.
Your more welcome and join me on my mom, craft, home renovations, cooking and life adventures; the company would be great!